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Okra Health Benefits

Okra health benefits have gained a consumers worldwide recognition as a healthy food. This vegetable aids in promoting a stronger and denser bones as it contains calcium besides being rather low in calorie. It also contains zinc which could speed up the process of healing of any injuries in our body.

OkraOkra has a wide varieties of essential minerals and vitamins that are beneficial to our body and health. Some of the more notable vitamins found within the okra health benefits are vitamin K which is essential for a healthy clotting of blood, vitamin C to strengthens the immune system which enables our body to resist colds and other common ailments. Besides, okra is also rich in Vitamin A, iron and many other useful minerals for our body. Compared with other fresh vegetables in terms of nutrients, okra has a high nutritional value.

The flavonoids contained in okra are known to fight lung cancer as well as benefiting for the teeth as it makes them strong and protected against cavities. That way, it makes our teeth last longer.

Okra aids in digestion

One of the health benefits of okra is in aiding the smooth functioning of our digestive process which happened to be very crucial for our body to function properly. It is because of the soluble fiber which are found in abundance in okra. This soluble fiber assist the digestive system and ensure that we do not constipate but to have a regular bowel movement. These soluble fibers functions by absorbing water and thus protecting us from a constipation condition.

Okra for a healthy hair

When it comes to healthier hair, okra definitely has the health benefits as it can add volume to hair as well as adding bounce. All that is needed to achieve it is to cut the okra horizontally, and then boil until the content is slimy. Let it cool and then add a couple of drops of lemon to it. Then just wash your hair as usual. When it comes to the last rinse use this mixture. Ensure that all your hair are covered evenly. Your hair will then be able to achieve more volume and a little more bounce will be added to it. With all these okra health benefits, it is a surprise that this particular vegetable does not receive much publicity.

Health Benefits of Okra

There are many health benefits when it comes to okra and one of the benefit is that it helps to maintain our body's cholesterol level at the correct level.

Okra is also crucial in protecting from cataract as well as alleviating the treatment process. It is strongly recommended for protecting the nervous system which actually can minimize depression, anxiety, and weakness.

Storing of Okra

Okra should be stored in a refrigerator and could last for up to 5 days. If kept in normal temperature, it can only last for just a few days.

By adding okra into your regular diet, it can enhance your intake of vitamin A and at the same time improves healing process. As such, okra should be incorporated into our daily meals regularly in order to strengthen the colon.

The okra seeds contained unsaturated fats including oleic acid, besides glutathione which is a protein produced naturally in the human body. This protein could prevent bacteria and germs in our body which otherwise would cause cancers and other serious ailments to us.

Okra for pregnancy and childbirth

The folates found in okra can help in childbirth as well as provides a healthy pregnancy. It can also assist in reducing some birth defect risks. It is highly recommended for women to take okra regularly prior to pregnancy for their own health benefits as well as for their own babies. By decreasing the likelihood of complications while being pregnant and birth to having a healthy newborn, okra health benefits are enormous.

Okra Recipes

Okra is a very common vegetable used when preparing food which includes gumbo and also other southern region food. It is often used in Indian and Mid Eastern delicacies. Okra is also referred to as ladies' fingertips simply because of the unique shape. When cooked the right way, it produces a sticky liquid which may be used to thicken braised dishes.

Though the name may be unusual and you will probably be inclined to pass it by and opt for a more common veggies, give okra a try. Clearly, okra health benefits are immense and it may be included easily into any of our meals.

12:33:48 on 09/15/12 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

Vitamins and Minerals in Food

Foods High in Vitamins and Minerals

Most foods contain some vitamins and minerals. Vitamins can be categorized into two major groups: fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K) or water-soluble (B complex and vitamin C). Minerals may be termed either macro or micro. Meats are good sources of B vitamins, iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn). Dairy foods provide about 80 percent of the average American's daily calcium (Ca). Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is found only in plants. All the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are found in an egg yolk. Vitamin B12 is found only in foods of animal origin or fermented foods such as tempeh, tofu, and miso, which contain bacteria that produce vitamin B12 as a by-product. The two major sources of sodium (Na) in the diet are processed foods and the salt shaker.

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11:35:39 on 03/27/11 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

Healthy Tips on Grilling

To reduce fat in marinades for grilled foods, replace most of the oil with mild fruit or vegetable juices, canned broth, or plain yogurt. Leave in 1 tablespoon oil to help prevent sticking on the grill. And to keep lean meats moist, avoid overcooking. If you have a covered grill, use the cover during part or all of the grilling to help keep the food moist. If your grill does not have a cover, improvise by using a large, disposable foil roasting pan inverted over the food.

Try to avoid charring meats. When meat drippings fall directly onto hot coals, they create cancer-causing compounds that are carried back to the food via the smoke. There are several precautions you should take to avoid this potential healthy hazard. Trim all visible fat on meats and keep the oil in marinades to a minimum. Also, precook large pieces of meat in a microwave oven to reduce their grilling time over coals. Avoid flare-ups on the grill; be ready with a spray bottle of water to put out any flames. And avoid using a lot of mesquite briquettes, which burn hotter than other woods and could cause charring. If charring occurs, trim off the blackened areas before eating the food.

** Asian Cooking **

22:14:18 on 06/24/09 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

Using Grapes

There are thousands of varieties of grapes. Some are grown for snacking, others for making wine, and there are also special varieties for raisins, grape juice, and jelly. The word grape comes from the name of the tool used long ago to "grapple" this fruit from the vines.

Choosing grapes
When shopping for table grapes, look for full, plump clusters with no bruises or soft spots. Check the stem; it should be green and very pliable.

Storing grapes
Refrigerate in a loosely closed plastic bag. Many varieties of grapes have a white powder coating known as bloom, which helps keep grapes moist. Avoid washing off the bloom until just before serving or using.

Freezing grapes
Lay individual grapes in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze until solid. Then, transfer to plastic bags or an airtight container in the freezer. The high sugar content in grapes keeps them from freezing solid. They'll last as long as a month in the freezer, and they make a cool treat on a hot summer day. Frozen grapes can also be used as flavorful ice cubes in drinks, punches, or sangrias.

To serve grapes
For the most pronounced flavor, bring the grapes to room temperature before serving.

To cook with grapes
Use red grapes, which maintain their shape better when heated.

Adding a burst of flavor to the grapes
Add a handful of seedless green or red grapes to salads, to couscous, or to stir-fries made with chicken, pork, or seafood.

Nutritional benefits from grape juice
Drink 12 ounces a day and choose dark grape juice, since the flavonoids are in the skin. Drink 100 percent grape juice rather than grape drink, which is a watered-down, sweetened beverage containing very little actual grape juice.

** Delicious Dessert Recipes **

04:58:14 on 06/13/09 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

About Grapefruit

A cross between a sweet orange and a pomelo, grapefruit most likely originated in Barbados in the 1700s. Grapefruit is the largest citrus fruit commonly available and comes in two basic varieties: white-fleshed or pigmented. For the best flavor, buy grapefruit with seeds. The seeded varieties are also easier to separate into segments.

To make grapefruit supremes
When segments of citrus fruit are separated from the membranes holding them together, they are often called supremes. Slice off the top (stem end) just below the pith, then do the same at the bottom. Cut off the zest and white pith in strips all around the fruit keeping the knife just below the pith. Hold the skinless grapefruit in one hand and use a paring knife to cut directly next to the membrane on both sides to remove each segment or supreme. With practice, you can run the knife down one side of the segment, then underneath and up the other side in one swift movement. When all the segments have been removed, squeeze out the juice from the accordion-like membranes left in your hand.

To easily remove the white pith from grapefruit
Drop the whole grapefruit in a pot of boiling water, remove the pot from the heat, and let stand for 3 minutes. Remove the fruit and let cool. Then, peel it; the white pith will easily come off the fruit.

To release maximum juice from grapefruit
Pierce the skin in several places with the tines of a fork. Microwave for 20 seconds on high power. Let stand 2 minutes before using.

To avoid tart grapefruit
If the tartness of grapefruit deters you from eating it, reach for the sweeter hybrids, such as pomelos, oroblancos, or melogolds.

To benefit from the lycopene in grapefruit
Select the red or pink varieties, which are a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant that has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease.

To receive maximum nutritional benefits of grapefruit
Peel the fruit and eat it in sections like an orange to get more pectin and fiber. Also try to make use of the peel (also a valuable source of pectin) by grating it and adding to baked goods.

** Asian Desserts Recipes **

16:46:48 on 06/12/09 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

Cooking with Grains

Of all the fruits of grasses, grains are among the most nutritious of foods. All grains have 3 basic parts: the germ or seed, the endosperm, and the bran. Many grains are processed to remove both the germ and bran, leaving only the endorsperm. Whole grains have all their parts intact and offer more nutrients than processed ones.

When choosing grains, freshness is an important consideration when buying grains. Whole grains, which have a higher fat content and a greater tendency to turn rancid, are more perishable than refined grains. Shop where there is a large turnover of grains and buy them in small quantities.

Store grains in tightly covered jars either at room temperature or in the refrigerator or freezer. Grains with a high oil content, such as wheat germ, should always be refrigerated.

To cook fluffy grains, use a wide pan, such as a Dutch oven or a deep skillet. And to reheat cooked grains, just heat it in a covered saucepan with a thin layer of water.

You can also boost the flavor when cooking grains. Before cooking, toast them in a skillet over medium heat, just until fragrant. You can also cook grains in a flavorful stock or in canned broth instead of in plain water.

Asian Recipes

16:09:52 on 06/10/09 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

Lowering Cholesterol with Garlic

Eating garlic has been known to lower the cholesterol level. Research indicates that eating half to one clove of garlic a day may reduce blood cholesterol levels by about 9 percent. Garlic is also believed to be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of cancer. To reap the full health benefits of garlic, use fresh garlic. Although fresh is the best, use garlic in cooked or powdered forms as well, since each has its own important healing compounds.

When cooking with fresh garlic, chopping it finely will increase the surface area and release the full benefits of the healthful compounds within. Also, cook fresh garlic only briefly, or add it during the last few minutes of cooking, as overcooking can destroy some of its delicate compounds.

** Asian Recipes **

21:44:57 on 05/17/09 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

Refined carbs are damaging your health

Even though complex carbohydrates are a vital component of our overall food intake, refined carbohydrates serve no nutritional purpose whatsoever. When food is mass-produced and processed, it is stripped of fiber and nutrients.

For example, when flour and sugar are turned from brown to white in order to make them look more appealing, they become nutritionally redundant. Processing flour and sugar removes magnesium, zinc and chromium, the three minerals the body needs to metabolize carbohydrates effectively. It also drastically reduces the presence of vitamins B1, B2, B3, calcium and iron.

Junk foods are mostly made up of refined flour and sugar, as well as processed fats, colorings, flavorings and preservatives, which are equally devoid of nutrients. Worryingly, these foods make up 75 per cent of many people's diets.

20:34:46 on 02/02/09 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

The difference between oatmeal and oatflakes

Both are processed from the oat cereal, but oatmeal is ground from the whole kernel while oatflakes are made from steamed and rolled oats. Oatmeal is graded according to how finely it is ground; the largest is pinhead oatmeal, followed by coarse, medium and fine. Both oatmeal and oatflakes can be used in sweet or savory dishes. Because oatflakes (also known as rolled oats or porridge oats) have been lightly steamed, they cooked faster than oatmeal. Oatmeal is used in stuffings and coatings instead of breadcrumbs; it is also added to breads, although it cannot be used on its own for this purpose as the gluten content of oats is too low. Traditionally, rolled oats are used in biscuits.

14:07:25 on 06/19/08 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

Some say nuts are very healthy, while others say they are high in fat: who is right?

Both statements are correct. All nuts, but particularly peanuts and almonds, are a good source of protein, and play an important part in a vegetarian diet. They are also a good source of B-group vitamins. However, all nuts except chestnuts are high in fat and therefore high in kilojoules, so anyone on a low-kilojoule diet should avoid them. Macademias, pine nuts and walnuts are highest in fat; pine nuts and walnuts are highest in fat; pine nuts and hazelnuts contain less saturated fat then other nuts.

** Healthy Asian Recipes **

13:10:56 on 06/16/08 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

Best way to keep nuts fresh and full of flavor

Because of their high fat content, nuts turn rancid quite quickly in warm or damp conditions and they are best bought only when you intend to use them, and in small quantities. They can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer, providing they are kept very dry, or in airtight plastic containers.

Nuts sold in vacuum-sealed packs showing a 'use-by' date are the best to buy, as they will keep in a cool, dry cupboard until you are ready to use them. Once the packet has been opened, however, the nuts should be kept in an airtight container and eaten quite quickly.

** Asian Recipes **

02:11:59 on 06/15/08 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

Why salt is bad for our health?

There is some concern about the amount of salt used in Western diets because of the links between sodium and high blood pressure (hypertension), a condition which increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney failure.

We need sodium (salt is sodium chloride) for proper cell, nerve and muscle function, but the danger of consuming too much comes partly from the hidden salt in processed foods and the habit of oversalting food at the table. While many of us consume about 3,000-4,600 mg of sodium daily, the recommended intake is no more than 2,300 mg.

There are two ways of reducing your salt intake. Limit your intake of foods, such as smoked and cured meats or fish, cheese, salty snacks, packet soups and stock cubes. Secondly, reduce the amount of salt you add to food, both when cooking and at the table.

** Asian Recipes **

14:18:41 on 06/14/08 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

What are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids?

Omega-3 and omega-6 are generally known as essential fatty acids and are found in some foods such as oily fish, seeds and seed oils. Believed to be essential for brain and eye development, omega-3 is also useful to the body for reducing inflammation and lowering the tendency for blood to clot.

Omega-6 appears to help regulate blood pressure and the body's water balance. It also improves our nerve and immune functions. There is some evidence to suggest that people who eat oily fish, such as mullet, mackerel and sardines, twice a week may have lower rates of heart disease. Certainly, it is an easy and inexpensive way of increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids. The seeds of pumpkin, sesame and sunflower are good, tasty sources of omega-6.

** Asian Recipes **

15:08:34 on 06/11/08 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

Can all low-fat spreads be used successfully in cooking?

All low-fat or reduced-fat spreads contain less fat than butter or standard block margarine and a great deal more water. This means that while they can be used like butter or margarine as a spread on bread and so forth, they are not always suitable for cooking. They can be used successfully for all-in-one sauces and cakes, for choux pastry and, if mixed with full-fat butter or block margarine, can sometimes be used for other pastry. To make a cheesecake base, normally done by mixing butter with biscuit crumbs, melt the low-fat spread carefully over a low heat and then add the crumbs.

Low-fat spreads are generally not suitable for shallow or deep-fat frying because they contain too much water. However, they can be used in a nonstick saucepan to fry foods such as onions or mushrooms, as long as it is gently done over a low heat. They are also unsuitable for traditional biscuits and cakes, and preserves such as lemon curd, because they do not set firm.

Very low-fat spreads, which have an even higher proportion of water and contain less than 25 percent fat, are quite unsuitable for frying or sauteing because they will spit and are liable to burn very easily.

** Healthy Recipes **

14:07:09 on 04/19/08 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -

Which cheeses have the lowest natural fat content?

In general, softer cheeses have a lower fat content than hard cheeses because they have a higher percentage of water. Cream cheeses and cheeses labeled double and triple cream are the exceptions as they are particularly high in fat, containing about 47 percent fat. Hard cheeses made from goat's and ewe's milk are likely to be higher in fat than similar cheeses made from cow's milk, as both goat's and ewe's milk have a naturally higher fat content.

If you are aiming to cut down on your fat intake, it is best to stay with cottage cheese or soft, fresh cheeses such as ricotta and feta. Of the harder cheeses, Edam is a better low-fat choice than Cheddar. Some cheese varieties can be found in reduced-fat versions. These include Edam, Swiss, Cheddar, cream and mozzarella.

Some supermarkets stock a selection of lower-fat alternatives to full-fat cheese in which the saturated butter fat has been removed and replaced with polyunsaturated vegetable oils. These cheeses are particularly useful for those people who want to reduce their saturated fat intake. The nutritional information supplied by manufacturers can be misleading. The fat content is often expressed as 'fat in dry matter', which means the fat content of the cheese solids after the water has been removed. An ordinary Brie which is labeled a '60 percent' Brie is not as rich as it sounds because it actually contains half the fat of a regular cream cheese.

** Healthy Recipes **

13:01:14 on 04/17/08 by Webmaster - Food, Health and Fitness -