Asian Recipes

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Chanterelle Mushrooms

Chanterelle Mushrooms (Cantharellus cibarius)
This mushroom is also known as girolle or Pfifferling. While many "wild" mushrooms are now found to be cultivated, chanterelles defy cultivation. They will be expensive when you come across them because they are hand-picked by the experts in the wild. Chanterelles mushrooms are easily recognized by their delicate orange or apricot color with the trumpet shape. Black trumpets (Craterellus fallax) are a similar, related variety of mushrooms. The texture of chanterelles should be firm yet spongy and the flavor mild and just a bit woodsy. Some of them have a subtle apricot nuance. They are especially delicious with cream sauces, chicken and pasta.

** Asian Recipes **

23:02:54 on 07/18/11 by Webmaster - Cooking Guide -

Beech Mushrooms

Beech Mushrooms (Hypsyzgus tessulatus)
This mushroom is also known as clam shell or hon-shimeji. Beech mushroom variety has the most sensational and sensual texture imaginable. Beech mushrooms are bouncy, resilient, almost crunchy and very juicy. With a mild mushroom flavor and nutty undertone, beech mushrooms largely take on other flavors during cooking. A quick saute in olive oil or butter or a quick grilling (brushed lightly with oil) shows them off best. They also stand up well in soups, stews, stir-fries, as well as salads. The flavor of beech mushrooms can be enhanced further with a smidgen of minced garlic, a pinch of fresh herbs, and a splash of wine or sherry. And they are terrific alongside mashed potatoes, soft polenta, and other foods with a creamy consistency.

** Mushroom Recipes**

22:53:40 on 07/18/11 by Webmaster - Cooking Guide -