Asian Online Recipes (Asian Desserts)
Asian Online Recipes - Delicious Desserts

Durian Jelly Recipe

Durian Jelly Recipe

Ingredients :


Ingredients A -

50 ml UHT milk

50 ml evaporated milk

1 tablespoon custard powder


Ingredients B -

100 g durian flesh

110 ml coconut milk


Ingredients C -

150 g castor sugar

12 g agar-agar powder

Salt to taste

200 ml water

160 ml UHT milk


Method :

Use a small bowl to mix all the ingredients A of UTH milk, evaporated milk and custard powder. Set aside. Use a blender to process the ingredients B by pureeing the durian flesh together with the coconut milk until smooth. Combine both ingrediets A and B, set aside.

Heat up a sauce pan with the water, sugar, milk, salt to taste, and agar agar powder. Bring to the boil for 5 minutes over a moderate low heat. Stir frequently until it comes to a gentle boil. Add in the  mixture of ingredients A and B. Bring to a low simmering boil for about 3 minutes. Remove from the heat.

Pour the durian jelly mixture into a wet individual casings. Leave aside to set at room temperature before moving to chill in the fridge before serving.

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