Beef Cooked with Beer Recipe

Beef Cooked with Beer Recipe

Ingredients : Serves 4~5

2-3 tablespoon cooking oil
750 g/1.75 lb chuck steak cut in cubes
100 g/4 oz rinded and cubed gammon steak
3 sliced onions
1 crushed garlic clove
300 ml/1.25 cups light ale
150 ml/0.25 pt brown ale
5 ml/1 tsp dark brown sugar
5 ml/1 tsp grated nutmeg
1 bouquet garni sachet

Ground black pepper, preferably fresh

5 ml/1 tsp red wine vinegar
30 ml/2 tbsp chopped parsley

Method :

Heat up the oil and saute the gammon and steak until evenly browned. Transfer the browned meats to a casserole dish. Stir fry the onions and garlic briefly until just browned before adding them to the casserole. Mixed in the beers, nutemg and sugar to the pan and bring it to the boil. Ensure it is stirred well to mix in the meat juices before pouring it into the casserole. Add the bouquet garni and season according to your preferred taste. Preheated the oven to 140°C/275°F and then cook for 3 hours. Mix in the wine vinegar and serve sprinkled with the parsley after removing the bouquet garni.

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