Asian Recipes

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What is the difference between farmed fishes and wild fishes?

Unlike wide fishes, which mature in the freedom of oceans, rivers, and lakes, farmed fishes do little exercise as they pass their time in man-controlled environments like tanks and pools. As a result, farmed fishes develop flabby muscles, which have little texture and flavor. If you were to hatch two generically identical trout eggs, one in the natural environment of a stream and the other in a fish farm, the difference in the firmness and taste of the cooked trout would be striking.

Farmed fishes also have relatively little flavor because they have been selectively bred to be bland to please the lowest common denominator of mass-market taste preferences.

Farmed fishes are not without their advantages to the industry and the world's food supply. As each year passes, fish farming becomes more and more profitable and productive. Nowadays, some farmers can generate more protein per acre, and at a lower feed cost, by raising fish than by rearing cows, sheep, pigs, or poultry.

From a restaurant's viewpoint, farmed fish helps ensure a steady, reliable supply. If the eatery has striped bass on its menu, the chef needs to replenish the stock regularly. Most dining establishments cannot afford to trust the luck of the local fishermen.

13:48:38 on 03/12/07 by Webmaster - Questions and Answers -